I was honored as Miss Fulton County to be able to attend a special event held at the Riverfront Center in Amsterdam. A wellness day was organized to inform the community on the vast and extensive programs that our area can provide to it's citizens. From Catholic Charities to NAMI various local organizations where represented. I was given the opportunity to speak and learn about these amazing programs. Not only was I there as Miss Fulton County, but I was also there as an employee of the Mental Health Assoication. I am proud to be able to represent such a strong force in our community!
While at the community event, I also ran into Miss Mohawk Valley's Outstanding Teen, Ashley McDuffee. She is the bomb.com!
Kieren Sheridan, a 23 year old Johnstown resident, is Miss Fulton County 2011. Kieren has a BS in Spanish and her platform is Empowering Students to Succeed.
19 May 2011
10 May 2011
Something to think about...Part Two!
I was exposed to this article by the very lovely and super amazing Heather Shaffer, Miss Fulton County 2010! What an amazing support group I have! This is from the CNN website:
Although this does not directly relate to the message I am trying to send with my platform, the idea and issue is one that should not be ignored.
We need year-round school to compete globally
By LZ Granderson, CNN ContributorMay 10, 2011 11:43 a.m. EDT
Grand Rapids, Michigan (CNN) -- As a nation, either our kids are getting dumber or everyone else's are getting smarter. American 15-year-olds ranked 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math in a study of students in 34 nations and nonnational regions.
The Program for International Student Assessment study, coordinated every three years by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, definitively shows U.S. students are no longer ready to compete against the world's brightest.
Which brings me to this: Why are we still giving them the summer off?
As it stands, only eight of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries that took part in the study in 2009 have a lower high school graduation rate than we do. It's so bad in some schools, educators have a nickname for them: dropout factories.
That's a national crisis with a potential for significant economic impact. The organization estimates that by boosting our scores for reading, math and science by 25 points over the next 20 years, the United States would gain $41 trillion over the lifetime of the generation born in 2010. As cash-strapped as we are, can we really afford to leave that kind of money on the table? Instead of year-round school as curiosity, I think it's time it becomes a government-enforced standard.
LZ GrandersonRemember recently when the nation got all in a tizzy after the International Monetary Fund reported China would pass us as the world's largest economy in 2016? Well, considering Shanghai ranked No. 1 in the education report, that shouldn't really surprise anyone.
To make matters worse, our kids have no idea just how far behind they really are.
When the results of the test were released in the winter, Arne Duncan, U.S. Department of Education secretary, pointed out that despite not being in the top of any of the subjects tested, "U.S. students express more self-confidence in their academic skills than students in virtually all OECD nations. This stunning finding may be explained because students here are being commended for work that would not be acceptable in high-performing education systems."
It's as if the United States were cast in one of those cliché Hollywood movies as the 29-year-old dumb and balding jock who still wears his high school varsity jacket.
Granderson: Eliminate summer vacations
2010: Traditional vs. Year-round schools
2009: So long summer break? RELATED TOPICS
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Arne Duncan
U.S. Department of Education
Economic Development
Cutting into summer vacation won't solve all our education problems -- most research points toward the quality of the teacher as the biggest influencer -- but more class time could help. At 180 days, we have one of the shortest school years of the countries tested. South Korea, for example, has 220 school days, and a No. 2 ranking in math. Finland is first in math and science at 190 days.
Then there's this: Harris Cooper, a summer-learning expert at Duke University, pored over a century's worth of data and found that each summer, our kids lose about a month of progress in math and that low-income students lose as much as three months' worth of reading comprehension.
Again, that's each summer.
More than a month of teaching time at the beginning of the school year is spent re-teaching the stuff our kids forgot over the break. This may be one of the reasons why the report suggests Finnish 15-year-olds are one to two years ahead of our kids in math and science.
Now I hear the cry from some who say "Let our kids be kids," but what does that mean today? The reason for summer vacations in the first place was that little Johnny was needed in the fields to help the family during growing season. Today more people live in cities than they do in rural areas, and that farming structure has been obsolete for some time. If our kids aren't working on the farm all summer long, what are they doing?
Watching TV?
Playing video games?
Getting into trouble?
Heck, a lot of our kids' summers and holiday breaks are already structured around Amateur Athletic Union practices and tournaments. Why is it so wrong to suggest structuring the summer around more education, especially when the amount students receive is no longer enough to keep them competitive on the world stage?
In July 2008, then-Sen. Obama suggested American children should learn a second language. That was met with a great deal of criticism, as if being bilingual and more educated was somehow un-American.
You want to know what's un-American?
Not being innovative. Refusing to think outside the box.
We used to be a nation of entrepreneurs and trailblazers, but now we're just dogmatic consumers. We want problems to be fixed but we don't want the solution to be an inconvenience. So we look for silver bullets, which in our culture usually means tossing more money at things. But guess what? We spend on average about $30,000 more per student than the other Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries, yet the best we can do is middle of the road.
Since when did chanting "We're No. 25!" become acceptable?
Today, if you want to keep your child in a learning environment during the summer, you most likely have to pony up hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to enroll them in a program or two. Families who can't afford to do that depend on scholarships or programs funded by government grants or corporations. If you grew up poor like me, and no extra income was available for transportation to those programs, you simply stayed home and watched TV every day for hours.
In retrospect, I would have been better served being in school.
I would imagine teachers wouldn't be thrilled to give up their long vacation. And the athletic apparel companies that enjoy the income Amateur Athletic Union summer leagues generate wouldn't like it much either. Nor would the colleges and universities that rake in extra cash brought in by hosting summer programs.
But the biggest obstacle to re-evaluating summer vacations is probably our love of the familiar. As humans we are naturally averse to change and the end of summer vacations would greatly alter the way we've done things for more than 100 years.
But what terrible thing would happen if we made the entire year part of the education process, with mini-breaks sprinkled throughout? Year-round schooling would not be repealing the child labor laws of 1938 and it won't force kids to lose their childhood. But it would give our young more of a fighting chance. The world is getting smaller, the world is getting smarter and if you look around you'll see when it comes to education, we're no longer basking in the glow of superiority.
We're wallowing in mediocrity. And our kids don't even know it.
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of
LZ Granderson.
Although this does not directly relate to the message I am trying to send with my platform, the idea and issue is one that should not be ignored.
We need year-round school to compete globally
By LZ Granderson, CNN ContributorMay 10, 2011 11:43 a.m. EDT
Grand Rapids, Michigan (CNN) -- As a nation, either our kids are getting dumber or everyone else's are getting smarter. American 15-year-olds ranked 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math in a study of students in 34 nations and nonnational regions.
The Program for International Student Assessment study, coordinated every three years by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, definitively shows U.S. students are no longer ready to compete against the world's brightest.
Which brings me to this: Why are we still giving them the summer off?
As it stands, only eight of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries that took part in the study in 2009 have a lower high school graduation rate than we do. It's so bad in some schools, educators have a nickname for them: dropout factories.
That's a national crisis with a potential for significant economic impact. The organization estimates that by boosting our scores for reading, math and science by 25 points over the next 20 years, the United States would gain $41 trillion over the lifetime of the generation born in 2010. As cash-strapped as we are, can we really afford to leave that kind of money on the table? Instead of year-round school as curiosity, I think it's time it becomes a government-enforced standard.
LZ GrandersonRemember recently when the nation got all in a tizzy after the International Monetary Fund reported China would pass us as the world's largest economy in 2016? Well, considering Shanghai ranked No. 1 in the education report, that shouldn't really surprise anyone.
To make matters worse, our kids have no idea just how far behind they really are.
When the results of the test were released in the winter, Arne Duncan, U.S. Department of Education secretary, pointed out that despite not being in the top of any of the subjects tested, "U.S. students express more self-confidence in their academic skills than students in virtually all OECD nations. This stunning finding may be explained because students here are being commended for work that would not be acceptable in high-performing education systems."
It's as if the United States were cast in one of those cliché Hollywood movies as the 29-year-old dumb and balding jock who still wears his high school varsity jacket.
Granderson: Eliminate summer vacations
2010: Traditional vs. Year-round schools
2009: So long summer break? RELATED TOPICS
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Arne Duncan
U.S. Department of Education
Economic Development
Cutting into summer vacation won't solve all our education problems -- most research points toward the quality of the teacher as the biggest influencer -- but more class time could help. At 180 days, we have one of the shortest school years of the countries tested. South Korea, for example, has 220 school days, and a No. 2 ranking in math. Finland is first in math and science at 190 days.
Then there's this: Harris Cooper, a summer-learning expert at Duke University, pored over a century's worth of data and found that each summer, our kids lose about a month of progress in math and that low-income students lose as much as three months' worth of reading comprehension.
Again, that's each summer.
More than a month of teaching time at the beginning of the school year is spent re-teaching the stuff our kids forgot over the break. This may be one of the reasons why the report suggests Finnish 15-year-olds are one to two years ahead of our kids in math and science.
Now I hear the cry from some who say "Let our kids be kids," but what does that mean today? The reason for summer vacations in the first place was that little Johnny was needed in the fields to help the family during growing season. Today more people live in cities than they do in rural areas, and that farming structure has been obsolete for some time. If our kids aren't working on the farm all summer long, what are they doing?
Watching TV?
Playing video games?
Getting into trouble?
Heck, a lot of our kids' summers and holiday breaks are already structured around Amateur Athletic Union practices and tournaments. Why is it so wrong to suggest structuring the summer around more education, especially when the amount students receive is no longer enough to keep them competitive on the world stage?
In July 2008, then-Sen. Obama suggested American children should learn a second language. That was met with a great deal of criticism, as if being bilingual and more educated was somehow un-American.
You want to know what's un-American?
Not being innovative. Refusing to think outside the box.
We used to be a nation of entrepreneurs and trailblazers, but now we're just dogmatic consumers. We want problems to be fixed but we don't want the solution to be an inconvenience. So we look for silver bullets, which in our culture usually means tossing more money at things. But guess what? We spend on average about $30,000 more per student than the other Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries, yet the best we can do is middle of the road.
Since when did chanting "We're No. 25!" become acceptable?
Today, if you want to keep your child in a learning environment during the summer, you most likely have to pony up hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to enroll them in a program or two. Families who can't afford to do that depend on scholarships or programs funded by government grants or corporations. If you grew up poor like me, and no extra income was available for transportation to those programs, you simply stayed home and watched TV every day for hours.
In retrospect, I would have been better served being in school.
I would imagine teachers wouldn't be thrilled to give up their long vacation. And the athletic apparel companies that enjoy the income Amateur Athletic Union summer leagues generate wouldn't like it much either. Nor would the colleges and universities that rake in extra cash brought in by hosting summer programs.
But the biggest obstacle to re-evaluating summer vacations is probably our love of the familiar. As humans we are naturally averse to change and the end of summer vacations would greatly alter the way we've done things for more than 100 years.
But what terrible thing would happen if we made the entire year part of the education process, with mini-breaks sprinkled throughout? Year-round schooling would not be repealing the child labor laws of 1938 and it won't force kids to lose their childhood. But it would give our young more of a fighting chance. The world is getting smaller, the world is getting smarter and if you look around you'll see when it comes to education, we're no longer basking in the glow of superiority.
We're wallowing in mediocrity. And our kids don't even know it.
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of
LZ Granderson.
08 May 2011
Senior Prom
Oh my goodness! My life has been so busy during the past month, I have barely had time to breath. I feel it's important to give you all an update on the happenings of Miss Fulton County 2011.
I had the privilege of being an honored guest at a very unique event that was organized by the Fulton County Office for the Aging. Now as you may know, Fulton and Montgomery counties are rapidly approaching prom season and the Office of the Aging provided a unique opportunity to our Senior Citizens. I attended their annual Senior Prom! Even better than the opportunity to attend was the honor of crowning the prom King and Queen and their Court! I have to say that the evening that the Office of the Aging put on for these kind people was magnificent. The food was wonderful, the decorations were beautiful, and the entertainment was well, entertaining! Even the wait-service was excellent, as it was local middle and high school Honor Society members. I was warmly welcomed from the minute I walked in the door! It was such a wonderful experience!
I had the privilege of being an honored guest at a very unique event that was organized by the Fulton County Office for the Aging. Now as you may know, Fulton and Montgomery counties are rapidly approaching prom season and the Office of the Aging provided a unique opportunity to our Senior Citizens. I attended their annual Senior Prom! Even better than the opportunity to attend was the honor of crowning the prom King and Queen and their Court! I have to say that the evening that the Office of the Aging put on for these kind people was magnificent. The food was wonderful, the decorations were beautiful, and the entertainment was well, entertaining! Even the wait-service was excellent, as it was local middle and high school Honor Society members. I was warmly welcomed from the minute I walked in the door! It was such a wonderful experience!
21 March 2011
Just something to think about...
My platform has been the importance of higher education. Here is a helpful article article I found on the front page of Yahoo.
Before You Choose That College...
The Wall Street Journal
Veronica Dagher, On Tuesday March 15, 2011, 4:47 pm EDT
As college acceptance letters start to roll in, parents will soon have a better idea of their children's educational options for the years ahead.
But before students select a college and head off to school, financial advisers say there are a few things many families need to consider about how to handle the costs, get the most for their money and protect themselves against unexpected developments.
Below, five advisers share their words of advice for parents and their college-bound children.
1. THE ADVICE: Encourage your child to select a career first, and then a school.
Many parents and children approach college as a time to sort things out, to delve into a lot of areas and see which ones the child finds most inspiring. Greg Gilbert, an Atlanta-based financial adviser, sees it differently.
College, he says, is preparation for a career. But children often first think about what school they want to attend and then determine what career they will pursue. That can result in wasted time and money.
Thinking first about career options "helps children focus their college experience instead of hopping around from school to school," says Mr. Gilbert. It also may help cut down on costly extra classes in college and reduce or eliminate the need to retrain in the future, he says.
Of course, many high-school students have no idea what kind of work they want to do after college. Mr. Gilbert recommends that clients have their children work with a professional career counselor who can walk them through career options. In addition, he recommends that children shadow or at least visit with their parents' friends or other professionals in their field of interest and try to get volunteer or paid experience in the given field as early as possible.
"The key is not just saying 'Oh, I want to do this,' but instead, really actively vetting out the [career] idea to see if it's the right choice," he says.
2. THE ADVICE: Don't promise your child you'll pay the entire tuition.
It isn't that you don't intend to do it when you say it. But, warns Bob Goldman, a Sausalito, Calif., financial planner, "when the time comes, the parents may not be able to pay it." Being realistic, he says, will help the student make better-informed decisions.
The promise has become even more difficult for some of his clients to live up to after they have lost their jobs or suffered some other financial setback, he says. "The parents may now have to wrestle with [the choice between] paying for college or saving for retirement, and that makes for infinite pressure and pain on both sides," he says.
Mr. Goldman recommends skipping the promise, no matter how well-meaning and heartfelt, and instead have an honest talk with the child about the financial realities of the situation. He suggests parents might say, "I can pay X amount. If you want to go to a more expensive school, you'll have to borrow the money."
3. THE ADVICE : When deciding between an in-state public university on the one hand and a private university or out-of-state public university on the other, make your child responsible for at least some of the costs of choosing the more expensive option.
This takes away the "blank check" mentality when students weigh their education options, says John Gugle, a certified financial planner based in Charlotte, N.C. He also believes students are more likely to value their education when they bear some responsibility for the financial impact of their decision.
He recommends parents say the following to their children: "If you choose to go to the in-state public university, then we will pay all four years. However, if you choose to go to the private or out-of-state public university, then we will pay for three years and you will be responsible for one year."
Also, if the child goes to school beyond four years, the child should have to fund that additional cost, Mr. Gugle says.
This makes the child think "long and hard" about what they can afford, he says. Many of his clients have taken his advice, he says, and it has helped defuse a "thorny" decision-making process.
"Unfortunately money issues will often influence the college choice," Mr. Gugle says. "Parents and children need a way to balance the costs with the future benefits."
4. THE ADVICE: Make a deal with your child: Underperform and you're out.
"The whole concept is to promote responsibility and help the children understand this is a very important financial endeavor," says Donald Duncan, a certified financial planner based in Downers Grove, Ill.
Going to college should be considered the child's first real job, says Mr. Duncan, and job success should be defined by the child's GPA.
"If their GPA isn't satisfactory, they get fired from the job," he says. That means finding a less expensive option, perhaps a different college or a trade school.
If the parents are footing the bill, they should agree with the student on a certain minimum GPA before the child starts college. If the child is going away and the parents anticipate an extended adjustment period, the agreement might allow a certain amount of time for the student to make the grade. But the parents need to enforce the agreement if the child doesn't live up to the bargain, Mr. Duncan says.
In that case, a good community college may be a better value for the parents until the child is mature enough to realize the financial burden of a college education on the parents and is dedicated enough to make the cost worthwhile.
5. THE ADVICE: Help children protect their health and finances from uncertainty and risk.
Once a child turns 18, parents no longer have the legal authority to access the child's medical records or make health or financial decisions for the child, says Laura Mattia, a Fair Lawn, N.J., certified financial planner.
That loss of control over a child's care "is a hard thing for a parent to hear," she says, but families need to create a "game plan" to address the unexpected.
It should include three documents—a health-care directive, a HIPAA release and power of attorney—which together allow parents to access a child's medical records and make decisions on the child's health care and finances if necessary.
Ms. Mattia gave this advice to a client whose child was going to study in London for a semester. The client initially was shaken by the realization that she could no longer make crucial decisions on her daughter's behalf without taking legal action, Ms. Mattia says.
But it prompted a conversation between mother and daughter that brought into the open the anxiety they were both feeling about being so far apart and introduced the daughter to the importance of financial and estate planning. It also prompted the mother to take another look at her own estate plan.
"It was an empowering discussion for both the mother and daughter," Ms. Mattia says.
Corrections & Amplifications
HIPAA is the acronym for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. An earlier version of this article incorrectly referred to it as HIPPA.
Ms. Dagher is a reporter for Dow Jones Newswires in New York. She can be reached at veronica.dagher@dowjones.com.
Before You Choose That College...
The Wall Street Journal
Veronica Dagher, On Tuesday March 15, 2011, 4:47 pm EDT
As college acceptance letters start to roll in, parents will soon have a better idea of their children's educational options for the years ahead.
But before students select a college and head off to school, financial advisers say there are a few things many families need to consider about how to handle the costs, get the most for their money and protect themselves against unexpected developments.
Below, five advisers share their words of advice for parents and their college-bound children.
1. THE ADVICE: Encourage your child to select a career first, and then a school.
Many parents and children approach college as a time to sort things out, to delve into a lot of areas and see which ones the child finds most inspiring. Greg Gilbert, an Atlanta-based financial adviser, sees it differently.
College, he says, is preparation for a career. But children often first think about what school they want to attend and then determine what career they will pursue. That can result in wasted time and money.
Thinking first about career options "helps children focus their college experience instead of hopping around from school to school," says Mr. Gilbert. It also may help cut down on costly extra classes in college and reduce or eliminate the need to retrain in the future, he says.
Of course, many high-school students have no idea what kind of work they want to do after college. Mr. Gilbert recommends that clients have their children work with a professional career counselor who can walk them through career options. In addition, he recommends that children shadow or at least visit with their parents' friends or other professionals in their field of interest and try to get volunteer or paid experience in the given field as early as possible.
"The key is not just saying 'Oh, I want to do this,' but instead, really actively vetting out the [career] idea to see if it's the right choice," he says.
2. THE ADVICE: Don't promise your child you'll pay the entire tuition.
It isn't that you don't intend to do it when you say it. But, warns Bob Goldman, a Sausalito, Calif., financial planner, "when the time comes, the parents may not be able to pay it." Being realistic, he says, will help the student make better-informed decisions.
The promise has become even more difficult for some of his clients to live up to after they have lost their jobs or suffered some other financial setback, he says. "The parents may now have to wrestle with [the choice between] paying for college or saving for retirement, and that makes for infinite pressure and pain on both sides," he says.
Mr. Goldman recommends skipping the promise, no matter how well-meaning and heartfelt, and instead have an honest talk with the child about the financial realities of the situation. He suggests parents might say, "I can pay X amount. If you want to go to a more expensive school, you'll have to borrow the money."
3. THE ADVICE : When deciding between an in-state public university on the one hand and a private university or out-of-state public university on the other, make your child responsible for at least some of the costs of choosing the more expensive option.
This takes away the "blank check" mentality when students weigh their education options, says John Gugle, a certified financial planner based in Charlotte, N.C. He also believes students are more likely to value their education when they bear some responsibility for the financial impact of their decision.
He recommends parents say the following to their children: "If you choose to go to the in-state public university, then we will pay all four years. However, if you choose to go to the private or out-of-state public university, then we will pay for three years and you will be responsible for one year."
Also, if the child goes to school beyond four years, the child should have to fund that additional cost, Mr. Gugle says.
This makes the child think "long and hard" about what they can afford, he says. Many of his clients have taken his advice, he says, and it has helped defuse a "thorny" decision-making process.
"Unfortunately money issues will often influence the college choice," Mr. Gugle says. "Parents and children need a way to balance the costs with the future benefits."
4. THE ADVICE: Make a deal with your child: Underperform and you're out.
"The whole concept is to promote responsibility and help the children understand this is a very important financial endeavor," says Donald Duncan, a certified financial planner based in Downers Grove, Ill.
Going to college should be considered the child's first real job, says Mr. Duncan, and job success should be defined by the child's GPA.
"If their GPA isn't satisfactory, they get fired from the job," he says. That means finding a less expensive option, perhaps a different college or a trade school.
If the parents are footing the bill, they should agree with the student on a certain minimum GPA before the child starts college. If the child is going away and the parents anticipate an extended adjustment period, the agreement might allow a certain amount of time for the student to make the grade. But the parents need to enforce the agreement if the child doesn't live up to the bargain, Mr. Duncan says.
In that case, a good community college may be a better value for the parents until the child is mature enough to realize the financial burden of a college education on the parents and is dedicated enough to make the cost worthwhile.
5. THE ADVICE: Help children protect their health and finances from uncertainty and risk.
Once a child turns 18, parents no longer have the legal authority to access the child's medical records or make health or financial decisions for the child, says Laura Mattia, a Fair Lawn, N.J., certified financial planner.
That loss of control over a child's care "is a hard thing for a parent to hear," she says, but families need to create a "game plan" to address the unexpected.
It should include three documents—a health-care directive, a HIPAA release and power of attorney—which together allow parents to access a child's medical records and make decisions on the child's health care and finances if necessary.
Ms. Mattia gave this advice to a client whose child was going to study in London for a semester. The client initially was shaken by the realization that she could no longer make crucial decisions on her daughter's behalf without taking legal action, Ms. Mattia says.
But it prompted a conversation between mother and daughter that brought into the open the anxiety they were both feeling about being so far apart and introduced the daughter to the importance of financial and estate planning. It also prompted the mother to take another look at her own estate plan.
"It was an empowering discussion for both the mother and daughter," Ms. Mattia says.
Corrections & Amplifications
HIPAA is the acronym for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. An earlier version of this article incorrectly referred to it as HIPPA.
Ms. Dagher is a reporter for Dow Jones Newswires in New York. She can be reached at veronica.dagher@dowjones.com.
03 March 2011
An evening at Catholic Charities...
On February 23rd, I had the privilege of working in the Family Room at Montgomery County's Catholic Charities office. The opportunity to do this was offered to me by an amazing woman that I work with at the after school program I coordinate. When she proposed this opportunity to me, I asked her to explain a little bit of what she does at Catholic Charities and what exactly is the Family Room. She explained to me that not only does she work at the after school program, but that she holds many titles for Catholic Charities. These include educating local school children about bullying, peer pressure, and substance abuse. A new position she has earned is director of the new Family Room. The Family Room is a resource for children and parents. This space allows for room for children to play along with space and resources for parents to take advantage of. The children have access to a multitude of toys and games, while the parents have access to a food pantry and supportive staff who provide many services to them.
From the time I entered the door until the moment I left, I had a blast! I arrived before any families arrived and was able to see and learn a lot about the space and Catholic Charities. Shortly after, the families began arriving. Since I had my crown and sash on, many of the children were staring at me. After the children settled in with the toys of their choice, I approached and asked if I could play too! The first response I received was, "YES!!!" Shortly after I sat down on the floor, which in a skirt and five inch heels is a challenge, I received my first question from a five year old.
"So what are you, some kind of princess?"
I explained that that is exactly what I am and that the blocks that she was playing with are to build my castle. So we built a castle! That stood for approximately 2 minutes until the dragon attacked it and knocked it down! Although a dragon attacked my castle, the children quickly began to warm up to me, and as soon as that happened, I had about 5 little ones attached to my hip.
The open house was Valentine's Day themed and the craft was creating beautiful Valentine cards. There were all different kinds of supplies for the children to use! I didn't participate in this activity as I was helping clean up the play area, however I did benefit from the craft! I received not one, but five Valentine's cards from one boy, within the span of about 10 minutes! Every time I looked up from the toys on the floor, I was being handed another Valentine! I thanked him each time he gave me one and I still have them all!
After the craft was finished, play-time resumed. This time, I was seated at a very small table in a very small seat, again a challenge in heels and a skirt. This section of the play area was set up like a kitchen with plastic food, a sink, and cupboards. When I sat down, there was only one cup for tea in front of me, however, within five minutes I was being served everything from "soup" to "steak" and even "melted icecream," which was the chef's specialty.
I spent about two hours in the Family Room and was able to learn so much from the experience. Catholic Charities is such an amazing organization that is working toward improving the lives of the members of my community. We are fortunate to have such a resource in available to those who are interested in using it. I would also like to point out what an interesting, vibrant, and enthusiastic group of children I had the pleasure of meeting. They were all very polite and kind. I hope to have the opportunity to build another castle with them! Finally I would like to express the sense of awe I feel when I think about the work that the employees in the organization put in to make these resources a success. They are very passionate and caring for those that they work with and always put 150% into everything they do. Their goals are to work toward improving the quality of life for the members of my community and I can't thank them enough for all of their hard work! It was truly an honor to have been asked to come and support the organization!
From the time I entered the door until the moment I left, I had a blast! I arrived before any families arrived and was able to see and learn a lot about the space and Catholic Charities. Shortly after, the families began arriving. Since I had my crown and sash on, many of the children were staring at me. After the children settled in with the toys of their choice, I approached and asked if I could play too! The first response I received was, "YES!!!" Shortly after I sat down on the floor, which in a skirt and five inch heels is a challenge, I received my first question from a five year old.
"So what are you, some kind of princess?"
I explained that that is exactly what I am and that the blocks that she was playing with are to build my castle. So we built a castle! That stood for approximately 2 minutes until the dragon attacked it and knocked it down! Although a dragon attacked my castle, the children quickly began to warm up to me, and as soon as that happened, I had about 5 little ones attached to my hip.
The open house was Valentine's Day themed and the craft was creating beautiful Valentine cards. There were all different kinds of supplies for the children to use! I didn't participate in this activity as I was helping clean up the play area, however I did benefit from the craft! I received not one, but five Valentine's cards from one boy, within the span of about 10 minutes! Every time I looked up from the toys on the floor, I was being handed another Valentine! I thanked him each time he gave me one and I still have them all!
After the craft was finished, play-time resumed. This time, I was seated at a very small table in a very small seat, again a challenge in heels and a skirt. This section of the play area was set up like a kitchen with plastic food, a sink, and cupboards. When I sat down, there was only one cup for tea in front of me, however, within five minutes I was being served everything from "soup" to "steak" and even "melted icecream," which was the chef's specialty.
I spent about two hours in the Family Room and was able to learn so much from the experience. Catholic Charities is such an amazing organization that is working toward improving the lives of the members of my community. We are fortunate to have such a resource in available to those who are interested in using it. I would also like to point out what an interesting, vibrant, and enthusiastic group of children I had the pleasure of meeting. They were all very polite and kind. I hope to have the opportunity to build another castle with them! Finally I would like to express the sense of awe I feel when I think about the work that the employees in the organization put in to make these resources a success. They are very passionate and caring for those that they work with and always put 150% into everything they do. Their goals are to work toward improving the quality of life for the members of my community and I can't thank them enough for all of their hard work! It was truly an honor to have been asked to come and support the organization!
01 March 2011
Letter to the Editor!
Take a look at my Letter to the Editor that was posted in the Leader Herald! Leave a comment and let me know what you think!
28 February 2011
Miss Fulton County 2011
Yaay!! I am soo excited to be able to create my first blog as Miss Fulton County 2011! I'll take my cues from Miss Fulton County 2010, Heather Shaffer and begin with an introduction of myself. My name is Kieren Sheridan. I am a 23 year old graduate of SUNY Oneonta with my B.S. in Spanish. In the fall I will be attending Grad school to receive my degree in Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages. I have always had a love of learning in general but particularly learning languages. I hope to work as an English as a Second Language teacher.
On Saturday, February 5th I was crowned Miss Fulton County 2011. This year was a particularly special year for the pageant, as it was the 40th Anniversary of the competition. As it was such a special occasion, there were several special occurances during the show. For example the panel of judges were all former titleholders in Miss Fulton County. As a contestant, I felt that this made the experience easier, since I knew that the judges were once in my shoes. The theme of the show was also centered around the special anniversary that the pageant was celebrating. The 40th anniversary is also considered the, "ruby," anniversary and so several aspects of the show hightlighted this fact. The stage was decorated with ruby colored cloth and a crown with ruby stones.
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of the sponsors who made this event possible. Your support has allowed the Miss Fulton County program to grow and thrive. As a contestant and new titleholder, I feel that I can speak for all participants when I say thank you. We all appreciate your dedication to the empowerment of the young women of Fulton County.
I am thrilled to have this opportunity to represent the Fulton County. Check back and see what I have been up to!
05 February 2011
Last post from Miss Fulton County 2010
I cannot believe that this is my last post as your Miss Fulton County. This year has been an amazing journey and I have loved every single minute of it. Thank you, Fulton County, for accepting me and supporting me throughout the year! This has been truly incredible and I am sad to see it end. I cannot wait to see who is crowned tonight. I am sure they will be a wonderful representative of Fulton County! Best of luck to all of the participants tonight--you are all impressive! Again, thank you to everyone, especially the Miss Fulton County Board of Directors, for making this a truly special year for me!
30 January 2011
Only One Week Remaining
I cannot believe that I only have one week left as Miss Fulton County. This year has flown by, and it has only been expedited by how busy I have been these past couple of weeks! This weekend was especially busy! Thursday was my 22nd birthday, but I did not have much time to celebrate with how busy I was! Thursday night, after classes and practice, I drove to Broadalbin because I had the mcats the next morning. After some last minute studying, I was able to at least get a decent amount of sleep. It was an early morning the next morning since I had to be at the testing center in plenty of time. I took the test from 8am until 1pm...it was a long, long day, but I feel calm after taking the test. I do not want to jinx anything, so I do not want to attempt to guess how I did! After getting ready my mom and I had to drive back to Elmira so that I could cheer at my senior game. Since I am the only senior on the team, it was necessary to make the drive. I did not realize until after, but that was the last game that I will cheer in my collegiate career! After the game ended around 10, my mom and I got ready to again drive to Broadalbin since the Miss Fulton County workshop was early the next morning. We did not arrive home until 2:30am! I had to finish a few things for the workshop, so after everything I was only able to get 3 hours of sleep. But it was an early morning as I had to be at the workshop by 7:30. Thankfully I was able to find enough energy to have a long day yesterday too!
The workshop ran from 8 until 5, and we were busy the entire time! The seven contestants learned the opening number, the finale, and the walking patterns for swim wear and evening wear. Each contestant also ran through their talent and had a mock interview to prepare them for saturday. I can honestly say that it is anyone's crown to win. I was impressed by how much they have grown in the past year, since I have competed with all except one previously. I believe that any of them would be a great representative for Fulton Canty.
I cannot believe that I only have one week remaining as Miss Fulton County. This year's pageant is going to be one to top! We have former Miss Fulton Counties returning for the show! The opening number is great! The stage is going to look beautiful! The board definitely outdid themselves this year! Miss New York, Claire Buffie will also be joining us and performing! This is going to be such a fun show and I cannot wait, even though I do not want it to end...Everyone should get their tickets and join us for the 40th anniversary of the Miss Fulton County Pageant!
The workshop ran from 8 until 5, and we were busy the entire time! The seven contestants learned the opening number, the finale, and the walking patterns for swim wear and evening wear. Each contestant also ran through their talent and had a mock interview to prepare them for saturday. I can honestly say that it is anyone's crown to win. I was impressed by how much they have grown in the past year, since I have competed with all except one previously. I believe that any of them would be a great representative for Fulton Canty.
I cannot believe that I only have one week remaining as Miss Fulton County. This year's pageant is going to be one to top! We have former Miss Fulton Counties returning for the show! The opening number is great! The stage is going to look beautiful! The board definitely outdid themselves this year! Miss New York, Claire Buffie will also be joining us and performing! This is going to be such a fun show and I cannot wait, even though I do not want it to end...Everyone should get their tickets and join us for the 40th anniversary of the Miss Fulton County Pageant!
23 January 2011
Busy week!
This week is going to be a big week, and a very important week for me. There are four days until my 22nd birthday, there are five days until I take the MCAT and cheer at my senior game, and six days until the next Miss Fulton County Workshop! My MCAT scores have been improving with each full length practice exam I've taken, so I am not as worried as I used to be about the MCATs! I am still nervous, of course, but I am not deathly afraid of it any longer, yay!
I am very excited to see all of this year's contestants again. I know that they have been hard at work since the last workshop almost a month ago. It is so hard to believe that in two weeks, one of these contestants will be the next Miss Fulton County! And, I will be done with the MCATs, hopefully forever.
It is interesting that Miss Fulton County has helped to distinguish big chapters in my life. I first competed in the pageant in 2007, when I was finishing out my senior year and was excited about the big changes that were to come with entering into college life. Now, I am giving up my title when I am finishing out my senior year in college and am looking forward to seeing what life has in store for me from here.
I only have about an hour until my next MCAT study break, so it is time to sit back, relax, and not even think about them for a while =)
I am very excited to see all of this year's contestants again. I know that they have been hard at work since the last workshop almost a month ago. It is so hard to believe that in two weeks, one of these contestants will be the next Miss Fulton County! And, I will be done with the MCATs, hopefully forever.
It is interesting that Miss Fulton County has helped to distinguish big chapters in my life. I first competed in the pageant in 2007, when I was finishing out my senior year and was excited about the big changes that were to come with entering into college life. Now, I am giving up my title when I am finishing out my senior year in college and am looking forward to seeing what life has in store for me from here.
I only have about an hour until my next MCAT study break, so it is time to sit back, relax, and not even think about them for a while =)
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